Beth Hales

Sales Director

Why did I join Humantelligence?

I am fascinated by the science and insights Humantelligence brings to life through the Talent Fit and Culture Analytics platforms. The current disruptive business environment requires companies build agile teams in order to survive, and today’s leaders know they need to find ways to diversify their teams. The Humantelligence suite delivers the data-driven insights leaders need to drive optimum performance. I completely agree with Peter Drucker’s saying, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”, and Humantelligence has created the innovative tools needed to inform today’s leaders. The next generation of talent is laser focused on culture, and it has become the number one way to compete for top talent… I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of a company that helps everyone do their best work and work better together.

More about Beth

Beth has spent over thirteen years helping Human Resources leaders attract and retain the right talent through a full range of HR service offerings. Beth’s background lies in the Agriculture, Food and Biotech space, and she has hired and trained sales executives, co-led HR conferences, and participated in the launch of a new brand for executive recruitment. Beth holds a degree in Business Management from the University of Findlay in Ohio. She and her husband live near Raleigh, North Carolina with their two daughters.

Beth's Humantelligence Results

Promoter Persona

Promoter (55%)

I am very outgoing and meet new people in a warm and socially assertive way. I have an ability to speak with poise and confidence to groups of any size.

Supporter Persona

Supporter (28%)

I am service and support driven and enjoy helping for the good of the team or organization. I tend to be non power-seeking and will put the needs of the team ahead of my own.

Helper Persona

Helper (17%)

I am very sincere and genuinely enjoy helping others. I am generous in sharing my time and talent with others, and I am a willing teacher and coach for others on the team.

Success Statement

I am motivated by Service and Helping , I work in Outgoing and Spontaneous ways, and my ideal work allows for Proven Methods and Working with People.

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