Why did I join Humantelligence?

Humantelligence’s smart, dedicated team, technology platform and unique strategy combine to form a powerful organization that has the potential to positively impact the lives of students exploring careers, workers looking for their next opportunity and the productivity and engagement of an organizations’ workforce…an exciting proposition and purpose that aligns to my personal and professional goals and values.

More about Marc

Marc is Humantelligence’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and VP of Customer Success. Marc’s focus is on the strategic product roadmap, continuing to integrate emerging technologies to provide innovative solutions and refinimg the implementation and change processes to ensure client success.

Marc brings over 20 years of consulting, technology and product management experience, across human capital, tax, financial services, and accounting, honed at EY, Prudential and Buck Consultants. Expertise includes secure application development, agile methods, DevSecOps, product strategy and client relationship management.

Marc received a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Statistics from Rutgers University. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and family.

Marc's Humantelligence Results

Helper Persona

Helper (56%)

Marc is very sincere and genuinely enjoys helping others. He is generous in sharing his time and talent with others, and is a willing teacher and coach for others on the team.

Harmonizer Persona

Harmonizer (28%)

Marc is a strong stabilizing force on the team during high-pressure projects. He is a great team player and supports the cause without carrying hidden agendas.

Dynamo Persona

Dynamo (16%)

Marc enjoys a fast pace and brings a sense of urgency to get things done now. He is an eager, mobile, and active agent on the team.

Success Statement

I am motivated by Supporting and Helping, I work in Spontaneous and Decisive ways, and my ideal work allows for New Solutions and Flexibility.

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