Humantelligence Sponsors the New York HR People & Strategy (NYHRPS) Event

Which was on Innovative Technology to Measure Culture and leverage A.I. for Predictive Success

HR Thought Leaders Discuss How Cognitive Computing Will Disrupt (and Improve) HR

New York, January 10, 2018 – Humantelligence, the leading AI-driven recruiting and culture analytics company today announced its sponsorship of the New York HR People & Strategy (NYHRPS) event where HR thought leaders, researchers, practitioners and consultants share innovative ideas, cutting-edge research and breakthrough practices that optimize the HR function’s positive impact on organizational performance.

At the NYHRPS event Susan Steele and Stephen Kelly facilitated a thought-provoking discussion on how cognitive computing is being used today to disrupt, and improve, HR. Susan, a leader in IBM’s Global Talent & Engagement Center of Excellence and a former CHRO and CLO, and Stephen, Global HR Lead for IBM’s $16 billion Global Business Services unit, shared observations on how cognitive computing is being deployed across IBM and other enterprises and the impact this is having on employees, managers and HR professionals.

The agenda included a presentation on how cognitive computing (artificial intelligence designed to solve problems the way humans do, by thinking, reasoning and remembering), as illustrated by IBM Watson and seen in those iconic Watson video clips with Bob Dylan, Ridley Scott and Serena Williams, is having profound results in expanding human expertise.  This presentation shared the innovations and impact that cognitive computing is having on HR and the ability to enhance employee experience.

  • What if your CHRO could customize onboarding and HR support for each new hire?
  • What if your CLO could personalize learning and career advice for each employee?
  • What if every touchpoint with HR was as great as your best-ever consumer experience?
  • What if all of this were available globally 24x7?

As sponsor of NYHRPS, Scott Craighead, Vice President of Sales at Humantelligence, welcomed the 100 attendees to the event and introduced Humantelligence, the artificial intelligence based platform for recruiting and culture analytics. With Humantelligence, companies ensure candidates will meld well with a company’s unique culture, streamlining the recruiting process and improving recruiting outcomes. The cloud-based solution uses the world’s most advanced, and shortest, 12-minute self-assessment tool and applies talent-centric AI to provide companies with advanced culture insights to drive optimal workforce performance and to hire for culture fit and predictive success.

About New York HR People & Strategy (NYHRPS)

New York HR People & Strategy (NYHRPS) is an active, dynamic community of HR thought leaders, researchers, practitioners and consultants who share innovative ideas, cutting-edge research and breakthrough practices that optimize the HR function’s positive impact on organizational performance. NYHRPS enables members to build strong and diverse professional networks, enhance their professional development, stay current on business/technological/strategic innovations and leading organizations’ workforce practices, and help organizations drive strategic change.

About Humantelligence

Humantelligence is the leading cloud-based recruiting and culture analytics platform that leverages break-through artificial intelligence and talent analytics to measure team culture and to help companies recruit for culture fit and predictive success. With Humantelligence companies can streamline the recruiting process, significantly improve employee engagement, and reduce turnover. Humantelligence is headquartered in Miami, FL, with offices around the world and tens of thousands of users. To learn more about Humantelligence visit, follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@humantelligence) and LinkedIn.

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