Amit Basu

CEO at Cognativ

Why did I join Humantelligence?

I got involved with Humantelligence for several reasons. One is that it is a great fit for my skills and background as I’ve helped to grow five startup-like Software-as-a-Service companies to significant success over the last dozen years. More interestingly and altruistically Humantelligence have actually built something that could really change the world of the average working person for the better, and that an employer should be willing to invest in as it saves them money from reduced staff churn, better hiring processes and greater alignment to corporate goals. Finally, I am a part of this team because the quality, integrity and drive of each person working at Humantelligence is incredible, and working with great people helps me to grow.

More about Amit

Amit Basu is currently the Founder and CEO at Cognativ. He has helped to grow 5 startup-like companies through to successful acquisition, two of them for over $300M. Strong leadership skills in the arena of software products and technology, predominantly within the financial services industry. Can bridge the gap between business and technology parts of an organization resulting in improved trust and alignment of goals.

He is a seasoned executive with strategic responsibility for products, software development, high-volume transaction data processing, and technology roadmaps. Created several lines-of-business from scratch around consulting and big data analytics. Also have managed large implementation and integration projects, vendor relationships and organization-wide process re-engineering which required strong relationship building and negotiation skills. Significant international experience having lived and worked for many years in Europe (London), Asia (Singapore) and around the USA; visited over 50 countries working with international banking clients. Have worked in both start-up environments and at large enterprises with over 100K employees.

Amit's Humantelligence Results

Independent Persona

Independent (36%)

Amit follows a deep personal sense of direction, and challenges existing methods. He can suggest new ways of doing things for increased effectiveness. He sees the big picture and communicate it to others.

Curious Persona

Curious (36%)

Amit does his homework and has a high degree of curiosity about many areas. He enjoys learning for learning’s sake, and is competent in the things he chooses to do.

Planner Persona

Planner (28%)

Amit is an excellent listener and has the ability to calm those who are overly upset. He likes a pace of work that is controlled, predictable, and able to be planned and charted.

Success Statement

I am motivated by Freedom and Knowledge, I work in Steady and Freeform ways, and my ideal work allows for New Solutions and Variety.

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