
Venture Beat

If your culture is that great, you don’t need to tell us

April 20, 2019

​When some founders explain what makes their startup special, they absolutely love – in fact, cannot help – telling you about their culture. For some companies, being “customer obsessed,” “data-driven,” or “employee-centric” means something. They have “missionary” cultures.

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Business 2 Comunity

5 Simple Solutions to Enhance Company Culture

April 19, 2019

​I’ve been in a lot of companies where the culture was strong; I’ve also been in a lot of companies where the culture left much to be desired. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a company where the culture was perfect. In fact, I’m not sure such a company culture even exists. Simply put, there’s always room to grow, evolve, and improve.

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Business 2 Comunity

Writing Your Values On The Office Wall Isn't Enough To Influence Company Culture

April 19, 2019

​Recently, we asked our employees to share their biggest concern about our organization. Among the complaints about avocados and dedicated desk space, a clear front-runner emerged. Our team’s main concern was preserving our culture as we grow. It’s perhaps unsurprising, given that our headcount increased by 128% in our London studio alone last year.

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How is technology changing your workplace culture?

April 19, 2019

​Technology is influencing the culture of your workplace. The question is: Will it create intended positive results or sidetrack the organization’s mission?

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Gulf News

Business’s culture could do with some auditing as well

February 17, 2019

​The culture of a business is essential in keeping the values at the heart of the organisation. The loss of such values poses a significant risk to the company’ reputation and performance. So, is there value in auditing culture as well as finances?

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Easily Create a Data-Driven Company Culture with These Helpful Tips

January 6, 2019

​Nearly 51 percent of business owners claim that enriching customer contact data quality is one of their top priorities. Most entrepreneurs know how important collecting customer data is but are confused as to how to relay this importance to their team.

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How to Get Your C-Suite to Care About Culture

November 14, 2018

​20% – We’re sure this is a number you’re familiar with when it comes to the cost of turnover. Ever since the well-known 2012 report came out putting the average cost of replacing a worker at 20% of that employee’s salary, it gets cited again and again. And it’s an important statistic.

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The Not So Obvious Reasons Your Teams Are Underperforming

July 12, 2018

​A study of a software company found that teams that were together for longer performed better. In the teams that had been together for a while there was a 19% decrease in bugs, and a 30% decrease in variations on the budget.

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Why Great Employees Leave "Great Cultures"

May 11, 2018

​"We have a great culture." We have all heard it. We have all said it. But what does that mean? Ping-Pong tables, free meals, and beer on tap? No. Yoga, CrossFit classes, and massage chairs? I so need that, but no. The promise of being part of a hip, equity-incentivized, fast growing team? Closer, but still no.

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Motivation : The what, how and why.

January 10, 2018

​Motivation drives behaviour. Older theories of motivation (e.g. Expectancy Theory) assumed a 1:1 relationship between effort and performance. However, Goal Setting Theory (GST) and Self Determination Theory (SDT) questioned this. They argued that the characteristics (the WHAT) of the goal determined performance not just effort.

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Organizational Culture is largely invisible

August 28, 2015

​Too many leaders assume they know what their organizational culture is. Often they think that it can be summed up in a slogan, like: “We have a culture of innovation” or “We’re an action based culture.” Others assume their values statement adequately represents their unique culture.

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