Industry Whitepapers


Deloitte-Bersin Annual HR Trends Report (the #1 whitepaper that drives the entire HR industry)

February 28, 2017

​This is the #1 source/white paper on HR trends for entire HR industry. If you read their section on Recruiting – it is all about “Cognitive” A.I. tools, being the future – like Humantelligence does it. This article – the”Top 10 Trends Driving Change in HR" (Cognitive / A.I. = Humantelligence), is a strong example of how well Humantelligence is positioned to take advantage of 1 of the hottest spaces/problems in HR – recruiting, talent acquisition, and the use of cognitive and A.I. tools to do it faster, less subjectively, and more accurately.

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CEO Challenge 2017: Meeting the Human Capital Challenge

January 2017

​The human capital challenge for businesses in 2017 is about culture and talent. In a year of disruption, CEO respondents to our annual survey emphasize the need for strong organizational cultures.

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2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends

January 2017

​Deloitte University Press: Rewriting the rules for the digital age

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