

What You Can Do to Avoid Bad Hires

November 26, 2018

​20% – We’re sure this is a number you’re familiar with when it comes to the cost of turnover. Ever since the well-known 2012 report came out putting the average cost of replacing a worker at 20% of that employee’s salary, it gets cited again and again. And it’s an important statistic.

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HR 101: 5 Ways Small Employers Can Streamline Their Hiring

August 21, 2018

​There’s no time like the present to reevaluate your recruiting processes and strategies to improve efficiencies and save you time. With the summer recruiting doldrums soon coming to end, now is an especially good time to review what is working well for you and where you need to step up your game.

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3 Questions to Evaluate a Candidate’s Emotional Intelligence

June 27, 2018

​When looking to fill an open position, a lot of factors go into the screening process for the perfect candidate. You want someone who has relevant experience; an acceptable number of years in the field; a solid work history; and, the skills you’re looking for. But the most often overlooked, and arguably most important, factor you should be looking for is emotional intelligence.

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Workplace Personality Testing – a pointless fad or the key to a great hire?

May 9, 2018

​Personality tests are becoming more and more common in the recruitment process. According to a report from business advisory firm CEB, 62 percent of human resources departments now use personality tests to vet candidates during the hiring process. Proponents say that these tests can find the flaws and skills of a new hire before they’re challenged in a high-pressure situation on the job.

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US News Money

The Resume Of The Future Will Tell Employers Who You Are, And Not Just What You’ve Done

April 18, 2018

​Resumes are a poor proxy for a human being. Whether on paper or LinkedIn, they may tell an employer about a job seeker’s experience and credentials, but they’re frustratingly silent about almost everything else. They have virtually nothing to say about a candidate’s personality, or their character, or their ability to persuade and communicate—all soft skills that employers consider essential ingredients for success.

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US News Money

4 Innovations to the Recruiting Process to Look for in 2018

January 25, 2018

​For the first time in many years, you as a job seeker have the upper hand. Unemployment is low and companies admit they will have to do more to attract candidates.

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Huntscalon Media

Recruiters Face a Double Threat from Automation, But There’s Good News

September 18, 2017

​Within the next five years, robots, artificial intelligence, automation and other emerging technologies could massively change recruiting as we know it. So much so that recruiters’ jobs will likely depend on how well they adapt.

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The New York Times

NY Times: The Utter Uselessness of Job Interviews

April 8, 2017

Humantelligence eliminates 79% of all interviews – all phone screens and most video interviews -- supporting this article’s main premise.

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Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal: In Search of a Perfect Team at Work

April 4, 2017

This article supports our premise that you can actually measure with data/A.I. to identify top performing teams, and how teams “fit” together. This is what we do!

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Miami Herald

Talented employees, great managers: hunting for the best fit

July 01, 2016

​For some of us, the key to a more fulfilling work life is finding a job that matches our strengths or a career that makes it easy for us to do what we do best. By spending more of our time doing what we’re good at, we’re going to be happier and feel more balanced.

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Center for American Progress

There Are Significant Business Costs to Replacing Employees

November 16, 2012

​The cost of employee turnover for businesses is high, regardless of the level of wages being paid to the departing or incoming employees. Workplace policies that improve employee retention can help companies reduce their turnover costs.

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