Sobre nosotros

Donde el EQ se encuentra con el IQ

Los expertos concuerdan que el IQ explica tan solo un 30% del desempeño predictivo, mientras que el EQ explica el 60% del mismo.

*EQ = Inteligencia Emocional

Nuestra Misión

Democratizar el autoconocimiento y despertar una conciencia global, persona a persona, liderando una poderosa transformación de su vida profesional y personal, y la de las organizaciones y compañías a las que pertenecen.

Nuestros objetivos

  • Ser el software de todas las relaciones. Mejorando el compromiso entre cada dos colaboradores, jefe y subordinado, colega a colega, al igual que entre cualquier grupo de personas ya sean a nivel familiar, escolar, etc.
  • Ayudar a cada compañía a entender su gente y optimizar el desempeño a través de los hallazagos que se realicen acerca de la cultura corporativa en cada nivel de la organización, empleado por empleado, equipo por equipo, país por país.
  • Reducir la rotación en cada compañía, ayudar individuos a encontrar su propósito en sus trabajos y carreras. Reducir el desempleo en un 30% a nivel mundial.
  • Democratizar la autoconciencia alrededor del mundo, tanto para los profesionales como para los demás invidiuos, aplicada en su vida diaria.
  • En esencia, hacer del mundo un lugar más feliz, alma por alma, empresa por empresa, organización por organización, comunidad por comunidad.

Our History

Humantelligence has developed a leading cognitive science tool based on 30 years of research, the 12-min self-assessment, that measures one’s behaviors, motivators, and ideal work styles. Humantelligence has been working on refining the science to engage the study of corporate culture and launched a beta software version of the “Culture Analytics” module in 2013. By January 2017, the platform was well-tested and had launched in both English and Spanish, and customers were up and running with over 50,000 users across 12 countries. Humantelligence also was nominated by this time for the first of three Annual Honda Premier Partner Awards. In January 2016, at this critical inflection point, the founders hired the current CEO Juan Luis Betancourt to commercialize the innovative and disruptive technology. Mr Betancourt is a known veteran in global business operations, turnarounds, branding and retail, who had also spent the past 15 years as a leading executive search consultant for the two largest search firms and who had launched his own firm in 2014 where he tested out the Humantelligence platform first hand for three years, gaining a reputation to being one of the best, but also learning the power of the tool when used for recruiting. After a year of testing and researching the market, the competitive landscape, and the go-to- market strategy, Mr. Betancourt received board approval for a significant change in company strategy impacting product, pricing, positioning, and technology architecture. In March 2017, Mr. Betancourt raised an estimated $1M in capital to launch the Talent Fit for Recruiting module and Engagement modules, as well as to hire the existing core management team, as well a small direct sales force in September 2017.

The growth phase of the company has begun strongly in Q4-2017, with the company generating 1000s of leads, receiving MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) status, striking relationships with key partners like AppExchange and other consulting partners, translating the product into Portuguese to cover the Americas, and launching another capital raise of $2M to support the various growth initiatives.

Our Distinct Approach

Behavioral sciences offer time-tested approaches to improving employee engagement – from improving chemistry among co-workers, hiring the "right" people, improving employee engagement, creating high-performance teams, measuring and managing corporate culture, to providing communications across all channels, and skill development for current job assignments and those in the future. Leveraging our patented technologies we can even predict your turnover by individual, and identify the managers that provide the greatest growth for their teams.

Engagement has been a focus area for the top management consulting firms, employee survey and assessment companies, corporate training initiatives, and wellness programs. Technology juggernauts have also made big bets on the hyper-growth human capital management space (HCM SW sector) with high-flying valuation acquisitions. Yet, with all this attention to the problem, studies show that none of the current billions spent has moved the needle on global employee engagement, or more importantly, business metrics that the Global 2000 measure such as growth, profit, customer satisfaction, loyalty, unwanted turnover, etc.

In some cases employee satisfaction even drops after a major implementation or program due to high expectations, and to the low value delivered to the actual employee. This is where Humantelligence is different. We start with the employee first. Solving the engagement problem starts with the individuals on the front line, ensuring they gain more from the system than they have to contribute. In doing so, along with providing a network inclusive of the CEO to lowest level worker, Humantelligence is able to create a thriving organizational community. This effectively moves ownership and the tools to cultivate engagement where it belongs, to the managers of those employees.

Humantelligence is different from conventional HR solutions in many unique ways.

A Disruptive Approach.

Conventional HR consulting and HCM solutions almost exclusively target the small nucleus of executive management and white-collar employees within a company, NOT the much larger corps of front-line employees. Humantelligence targets the one billion underserved front-line employees who are responsible for producing the business results that Global 2000 companies want. These front-line employees are responsible for the quality of products and services, and handle virtually all customer-facing transactions at the point of sale and customer service interfaces. By focusing on the Global 2000’s front-line employees, both supervisors and individual contributors, Humantelligence makes the biggest possible impact on driving strategic action and measurable results in revenue growth, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Humantelligence explicitly embraces the illusive millennial employee, and the Hispanic working population, both largely unnoticed by the conventional HR solutions providers, yet so critical to understanding the ever-changing modern, multilingual workforce.

Disruptive Technology.

Current technology addressing the HR solutions market is from the mainstream ERP/HCM vendors that focus on automating back-office HR processes. Their DNA and technology are antiquated and ill suited to the modern global workforce: mobile-first, socially connected, trained via gamification, tech-savvy, armed with big data, and increasingly multi-lingual in Spanish. Humantelligence is built from the ground up to be easy, fast and fun – accessible for front-line employees in the modern global workforce. Humantelligence’s patented technology uses 30 years of behavioral science and workforce psychology in a mobile-responsive, social, and a gamified platform that integrates into existing HCM, ERP and other enterprise technologies. The unique Humantelligence Action Management System provides a closed loop process delivering multimedia content, tools, training, and tips for day-to- day operations to increase engagement, motivation, and leadership at all levels of an organization.

Correlation between Employee Engagement and Business Results.

Improvements in Employee engagement and Organizational culture have been the focus of leading companies for decades without any quantifiable way to measure the impact of these initiatives on the desired business results. The primary reason for this missing link has been the inability of companies to quantify employee engagement and their organizational culture. The culture is generally defined by a set of aspirational value system finalized by the senior management or full-time corporate employees. Yet, no one really knows the actual corporate culture and there is no way to measure it. Also, no one knows how various teams differ in their alignment to the desired overall company culture. Humantelligence provides tools to quantify employee engagement and the team culture at any level in the company, at any time or at predefined frequency intervals. This quantification enables companies to draw a correlation between engagement and business results thereby removing guesswork in calculating ROI achieved through Humantelligence solutions.

El CEO explica:

¿Qué problema resolvemos?

La importancia de la Cultura de Equipo vs la Cultura Corporativa

¿En qué nos diferenciamos?

We are the first proven and accurate Culture Analytics & A.I. for Recruiting platform powered by the world’s most advance and proprietary cognitive science tool developed by Humantelligence and built into our SaaS platform five years ago. We are backed by the former CEO of McDonalds USA, CHRO of Northrop Grumman, CEO of Korn/Ferry International’s Consulting Division, CIO of Burger King, CMO of Puma, President of, and CEO of Decathlon USA.

We are not your grandfather’s assessment which is expensive so just for top execs, only for an individual report, without any actionable or usable insights once you leave the ½ day offsite with the I/O psychologist. Nor are we a typical HCM/HRIS platform that automates every HR process in the world but has zero impact on engagement. Nor are we a typical Applicant Tracking System (ATS) which automates the recruiting process but does nothing for improving the quality of hire, nor impacting turnover. Nor are we like Job Boards that help companies “fill a hole with a body”, but that have no real impact on turnover, and that create tons of work for you. Nor are we one of the many trendy "AI for Recruiting" tools that focus on scouring the internet for insights about people and promise a black-box method to deliver the right person (based purely on skills and experience), but which do not promise any benefits around reducing turnover. And, lastly, we are not like the well-backed "Culture Survey" tools that are expensive and basically ask conscious-bias survey questions to senior management about what culture they think they are from a list of predetermined cultural and behavioral traits, which is simply not accurate and which exacerbates the traditional problem of a top-down “let’s define our culture on a whiteboard at C-suite level” approach.

On the contrary, we are the first cognitive science-based solution to accurately measure culture at every level – person by person, team by team, all the way to the top, in terms of “company culture”. The insights we deliver to companies on what makes them perform at every role-level or team-level can then flow throughout all their existing HCM applications and be leveraged to optimize performance at every level (person by person, team by team), help improve engagement between everyone at the company, and help develop a highly performing culture and predictively hire the right candidates into that culture that stay long term, and clone existing high performers, where appropriate.

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