Culture Analytics

Measure the culture of your team and organization to optimize overall company performance using talent analytics and data aggregation

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Measure culture at any level in the organization

The Humantelligence Culture Analytics solution enables you to measure and understand your culture to achieve overall culture alignment, drive optimal team performance, and hire for culture fit.

Measure culture at the team, department or any level in the organization

Allows companies to measure and understand their culture; thus, hire people who best fit the team and corporate culture, and create best performing teams to drive performance and culture alignment.

  • It uses research validated methods to measure how strong, weak, and consistent a person’s fit is with a group or team culture, as well as for the overall organization.
  • In sum, it allows “culture analytics” to assess candidates, identify leaders, drive change, and improve productivity.
  • Is a unique way to solve the existing conundrum as to why 80% of M&A deals do not deliver on the results expected.
Assessment Measure

Identify and contrast cultures from best performing teams across the company

Compare an underperforming team (i.e. in sales) with other high performing sales teams within the same company, teasing out the issues affecting the underperforming team.

Find new solutions based on behavioral science insights to fix and improve overall performance across teams.

Assessment Measure

Culture Mapping

Drive change in your organization to achieve culture transformation.

  • Measure and benchmark your culture today through analytics of your own employee Self-Assessment data.
  • Map your company core values to your team's measured motivators, behaviors and ideal work environment to gauge alignment and identify gaps to close.
  • Identify areas of growth and define your future culture that aligns with your business objectives.
  • Build an action plan to map your existing culture to the desired state with personalized goals at the employee level.
Culture Mapping

Gain insights about the makeup of your team to better understand your team’s culture

Learn about your team’s similarities and differences on a continuum with team strengths highlighted and identify potential gaps.

  • Understand what work motivators contribute mostly the team’s culture.
  • Leverage the predominant behavioral themes for the team to achieve better communications and for leading the group.
  • Enable the team’s ideal work environment to be the most effective and productive for the team.
  • Evaluate strengths and potential gaps through team culture analytics for future talent acquisition planning and for team culture transformation.
Corporate Culture

What are the benefits of the Culture Analytics?

  • Actionable Insights

    Access to a talent analytics platform that enables you to segment your own team data and derive actionable insights to increase communication, collaboration, and overall team performance.

  • Effective programs through personalization

    Develop action plans for your employees based on how each individual responds best to development opportunities and introduce most effective strategies to motivate and lead them.

  • Leverage strengths towards goal setting

    Be intentional with goal setting based on individual and team core traits.

  • Anticipate culture trends and be proactive

    Perform in depth analysis with your employee data to detect culture trends and signals and be proactive in shaping your company culture.

  • Deliver more effective development programs

    By understanding core traits for employees and teams, you can create custom development programs that will be most effective for your team.

  • Improve Onboarding, engagement and retention

    Develop data-driven plans for onboarding new employees based on culture fit and insights, drive increased engagement and reduce overall turnover.

  • Achieve culture transformation

    Benchmark current organizational culture, define future culture and create team and individual level programs to move the organization towards the end state.

  • Effectively compare team cultures to drive change

    Leverage team culture insights to understand the make up of high performing teams and effectively drive teams towards higher performance.

  • Achieve optimal organizational performance

    Execute effective strategies at the team level to drive organization wide optimal performance.

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