Drive strong culture alignment & hire for fit

Measure team culture to drive hiring decisions, internal mobility opportunities, culture transformation initiatives, and increase overall organizational performance.

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Solutions for Recruiters

Make your job easier and save significant time to select the right candidate for your clients:

  • Streamline 80% of the interview process
  • Deliver qualified candidates that will remain engaged in the role
  • Place candidates faster

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Solutions for Talent Acquisition

Match candidates quicker and for best fit with your company’s culture:

  • Streamline 30% of the recruiting process
  • Identify qualified candidates who are a strong fit with your team culture
  • Reduce substantially subjectivity in interviews

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Solutions for Talent Development

Uncover unique culture insights for every employee in your organization to create engagement and drive optimal workforce performance.

  • Measure the culture at any level of the organization
  • Uncover the drivers of performance of each individual
  • Identify career mobility opportunities

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Using Salesforce?
We've got you covered.

An integrated cloud-based platform leveraging AI and talent analytics to address every phase of the employee lifecycle

Interested in trying out Humantelligence?

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