Why did I join Humantelligence?

Company culture and vision. The company culture is the same I have been trying to build: Where people can make their own decisions, where there is transparency at all levels (finance, strategy, product, etc), where you can have direct communication with anyone, and we all are partners. A group of people from all around the globe performing together in harmony, sharing the same vision (big picture) to change the world, helping millions of people from different industries, countries and demographics. Revolutionizing the way people behaves at work. A game changer based in proven science.

More about Victor

Victor plays the role of Product Lead for Humantelligence. He works on app development, data modeling and engineering of the SaaS platform. As a full-stack web developer he also works on infrastructure design and implementation to enable scaling.

Prior to joining the Humantelligence team, Victor was the co-founder of a startup based in Colombia. His first web project launched over three years ago for the British market and is still live today. He is the Manager of the “Cali Ruby Meetup”, a community of Ruby developers that share knowledge and experiences through coding sessions and speaker events.

Victor was a top graduate with a BS in Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering focused in Telematics from Universidad del Cauca (Colombia), one of the top public universities in Colombia. In his undergraduate work he contributed to OpenMRS, a worldwide community building a technology platform to support delivery of healthcare in some of the most challenging environments on the planet.

Victor's Humantelligence Results

Independent Persona

Independent (48%)

Victor follows a deep personal sense of direction, and challenges existing methods. He can suggest new ways of doing things for increased effectiveness. He sees the big picture and communicate it to others.

Go-getter Persona

Go-getter (28%)

Victor enjoys a fast pace, and has a high sense of urgency to get things done: Now. He is an eager, mobile, and active agent on the team.

Influencer Persona

Influencer (24%)

Victor enjoys taking charge of projects, and is willing to be a leader when called upon. He has a "buck-stops-here" attitude and is willing to take the credit or the blame.

Success Statement

I am motivated by Freedom and Influence, I work in Spontaneous and Cautious ways, and my ideal work allows for Structure and Variety.

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