Talent Fit for Recruiting

Streamline your recruiting process, reduce subjectivity when hiring, select candidates for cultural fit, and ensure long-term success with AI-based talent analytics platform.

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The most important innovation since the resume™.

Ensure hiring for culture fit and long-term success by matching candidates for predictive performance, based on fit with team culture, the hiring manager, and existing high performers.

Eliminate subjectivity in the hiring process

Hire the right people for the right role, leveraging the most powerful behavioral science that exists

  • Match new or internal candidates
  • Save countless hours in the filtering and interview process
  • Compare candidates against each other or against the hiring manager, the team, the high performers, and the ideal profile

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Multi-dimensional fit factors give a deeper understanding of the candidate’s true potential and predictive success in the role

Determining cultural fit is complex, but we make it easy through AI and talent analytics to help you evaluate a candidate’s fit with the hiring manager, the team, an ideal profile for the position and with high performers.

  • Leverage the analytics engine to measure each candidate’s behavioral profile against four fit factors to determine best culture fit
  • Evaluate candidates based on your decision criteria for the role: For example, are you looking for similar traits or complementary ones? Are there gaps in your team culture that you are looking to fill?
  • Understand the implications of fit factors in aggregate and use them in combination to make your selections. For instance, high similarity to the hiring manager but opposite to the ideal profile should be a big red flag

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Talent Fit Recruiting

Create custom ideal profiles for hiring managers to recruit and benchmark against

For companies that have several high performers in one role, you can leverage the platform to aggregate their behavioral science data and create a high performer profile. This high performer profile can be the basis for creating an ideal profile for the role, which should reflect your needs to achieve optimal performance for your team.

  • As the hiring manager, you can recruit and benchmark against the ideal profile, saving countless hours in the filtering and interview process.
  • Hiring for culture fit creates engagement and results in predictive success. This is a practice that is only used in 6% of the hiring process today, as most just hire for technical skills based on a resume review (62%), or simply on behavioral interviews (32%). Although the latter two are the easiest and quickest factors to measure in the hiring process, they are not an accurate indicator of high performance as much as the cultural fit is.

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What are the benefits of Talent Fit for Recruiting?

  • Streamline your recruiting process

    Reduce significantly the time needed in the filtering and interview process enabling you to more quickly select high quality candidates

  • Deliver highest quality candidates

    Using the culture analytics platform and fit factors, you can place candidates that will have long term success in the role, will be highly engaged and with higher retention.

  • Delight your internal or external clients

    Differentiate yourself and become a strategic internal business partner to the organization or a highly valuable supplier to your clients by delivering faster and higher qualified candidates with long term success.

  • Hire right, for fit with your immediate team

    Take the guessing out of the selection process and rest assured you are hiring the best candidate for your needs and for long-term success, with the most advanced data-driven analytics platform

  • Eliminate the bad hire

    No wasted time and costly recruiting and onboarding processes with bad hires by using AI-based recruiting platform to select the best candidate for the role

  • Clone your high performers

    Map your candidates to the top performers profile and hire for predictable performance and long term success

  • Streamline the recruiting process

    Eliminate hours, days, and weeks from your overall recruiting process resulting in significant cost savings.

  • Drive optimal organization performance

    Effectively drive optimal performance with AI-based recruiting platform by assessing candidates against desired future profile modeled to optimize performance.

  • Hire for long-term success and reduce turnover

    Base your candidate selection decisions on best culture-fit to drive increased engagement and reduced turnover.

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